Wedding Guides

Make Your Wedding Earth Friendly

Why not give a little back to mother nature by making your wedding a bit more on the green side? It’s easier than you think, plus it gives your wedding a unique touch!

1. Think of sending e-vites, or using as little or recyclable paper for your invitations.

Invitations go straight to the trash after your guests read through it. E-vites are becoming acceptable, especially for the millennials who are getting hitched nowadays. If you don’t want to let go of the traditional printed invitations, use as little paper as possible for your invitation, or use recyclable paper for it. Plus points if the ink that you use is also biodegradable, too.

2. Re-use your flowers.

While most guests grab the chance (quite literally) to help themselves with your exquisite floral arrangements, there will always be some leftovers. Ask your florist if you can have them after the ceremony and reception, so that you can put them to good use. Think about leaving the floral arrangements for the church where you got married in, or donating it to the local hospital or home for the aged—it will surely cheer them up.

3. Use other materials for your bouquets and aisle.

While on the subject of floral arrangements, you can also choose to use other decorations to line up the aisle, or other materials to be used for your bouquets. You can line up the aisle with lights, candles, even balloons, while bouquets can be made with anything, from paper roses to pieces of jewelry.

4. Choose upcycled products for wedding favors.

Be giving to both the environment and to your guests by handing out recycled or upcycled products for your wedding favors. There are a lot of fantastic products nowadays that are made out of recycled paper, plastic, even water lilies and old tarpaulin billboards that have been turned into accessories, bags, even tableware! Plus points if you give out recycled products that are also made by impoverished communities in the Philippines—you’re also helping their families and the country, too!

5. Adopt your own cause and ask your guests to contribute to it.

If your bridal registry is full of things that you don’t really need, give your guests the option to donate any amount to an environmental organization, such as Greenpeace Philippines, World Wildlife Fund, or PETA?

6. Go alfresco.

Holding your ceremony outdoors will let you enjoy beautiful sunshine for your photos, then your reception can be lit up by Christmas lights, or even just candles. The less electric lights you use, the more energy you’ll save for future generations.

7. Pack up the food.

Your caterer will surely have included some extra 10-20 heads to be included in your head count, so there will be more food to be given out. Assign your Maid of Honor and your Best Man to do one last task for you—to repack and give away the leftover food from your wedding to the needy. Now that’s a great deed!

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For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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