Wedding Guides

Catholic Church Wedding Requirements Guide

Planning a Catholic wedding in the Philippines involves several important steps, and one of the key areas to focus on is securing the necessary church documents. Here’s a helpful guide on what church wedding requirements you’ll need, where to get them, and when to submit them for a smooth wedding day!

Church Wedding Requirements You’ll Need

1. New Baptismal and Confirmation Certificates

Before getting married in a Catholic church, both you and your partner must have received the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. These certificates can be obtained from the parishes where you received the sacraments.

Tip: Request a copy marked “for marriage purposes only,” valid for six months. Check with your wedding church when these are required—usually around two to three months before your big day.

2. Marriage License

You can secure a marriage license from the Civil Registry of either partner’s hometown or city. This document is valid for 120 days (around four months).

For couples already married in a civil ceremony: Don’t forget to bring an NSO/PSA copy of your Marriage Contract to the church as part of the requirements.

marriage license church wedding requirements

3. PSA Birth Certificate & Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR)

Requesting these documents has never been easier! You can conveniently obtain them online via the PSA Serbilis website or by visiting one of their outlets.

birth certificate church wedding requirements

4. List of Sponsors (Ninongs & Ninangs)

The church requires a list of the names and addresses of your principal sponsors (at least two). Some parishes may have a maximum number of sponsors or additional requirements, so it’s best to check. Ensure they provide their complete names, as these will be printed on your marriage certificates.

5. Canonical Interview

At least one to two months before your wedding, the church will schedule a canonical interview with the parish priest or his assistant. This meeting helps assess your readiness to enter the sacrament of marriage.

Tip: Some parishes provide a questionnaire ahead of time to help you prepare for this interview.

church wedding requirements

6. Pre-Cana/Marriage Preparation Seminar

After the canonical interview, you’ll need to attend a marriage preparation seminar. Most parishes conduct these regularly, but if you can’t make it to your parish’s schedule, many other churches and recognized organizations offer similar seminars or retreats for couples. These seminars may also be available online!

7. Wedding/Marriage Permit

If either of you is living abroad, your local parish may require a Certificate of Freedom to Marry. Check with your church to see if this applies to you, as it’s not a common requirement for those residing in the Philippines.

8. Wedding/Marriage Banns

This is a public announcement of your wedding, to be posted for three consecutive Sundays at both of your respective parishes. Some churches may require you to submit ID pictures as part of this process. Once the banns are posted, a signed copy will be returned to your wedding church as confirmation.

9. Confession

Many churches recommend couples go to confession before their wedding, as a way to spiritually prepare for receiving the Sacraments of Matrimony and the Eucharist. This can be done a week before the ceremony or on the day before the wedding starts.

confession church wedding requirements

Final Reminders:

Some parishes may have additional requirements, so it’s always best to double-check with your church. Remember to take note of the release period and the validity of each document—this will help you avoid last-minute stress!

Admittedly, handling these documents can feel a bit overwhelming (and even tedious or boring ), but we hope this guide helps make the process a little smoother!

Got all your Wedding Requirements?

Once you’ve covered the basics, it’s time to get in touch with your suppliers. Let Hizon’s Catering take your celebration to the next level! We’ll handle your venue, styling, and catering, all wrapped up in one perfect package. Inquire today!

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