Kid’s Party Guides

A Crafts Table for All Ages!

One of the biggest worries of party hosts, beside guests going hungry because you ran out of food too quickly, is that guests will get bored. While it’s a given that parents who have gone to one too many kiddie parties have learned how to deal with their boredom or have become self-entertaining, it’s the kids and your child’s friends who are your target market–they’re the ones who need to be entertained.

So how do you keep your little guests from getting bored? An arts and crafts table has always been a mainstay in kiddie parties, and that’s no surprise. It’s good for all ages to do, as long as you know what to make and what materials to present to them. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Fishbowl painting (with free pet fish in the end!)

– There are some fishbowls that come in plastic, so it’s best to use those, especially for the younger set who might not have such a steady hand or grip. You can decorate these fishbowls with stickers or paints, and then the bigger kids can create their own “underwater kingdom” with plastic plants, little castles, for their new pet to swim around in. Now doesn’t that sound like a ton of fun?

2. Knapsacks

Rather than making handbags for the girls and backpacks for the boys, it’s easier to get knapsacks that it can be for both boys and girls. Provide fabric pens, permanent markers, and paint for them to use to decorate their bags. For the younger kids, you can provide big stamps for them to go crazy with, or some patches or decals that they stick on. Plus, it’s all the rage nowadays!

3. Plant potting

Even if not everyone might have a green thumb, most kids are willing to try something once, especially if it involves working with their hands (and getting dirty!). This might need a bit of adult supervision for the younger kids, but for the most part, most kids love digging and scooping up the soil into the pot, potting the plant into their new home, and watering it. Plus, it doubles as a giveaway.

4. Hats

One would think that in our weather, we would wear more hats! Think of materials that you can use to decorate caps or bucket hats. Provide two colors–black or white–for it to cater to both boys and girls. Again, patches or decals are all the rage now, so these will definitely be the first ones that the older kids will reach for to use. Provide fabric paint, gems, buttons, and other things they can use for their caps. Provide fabric glue instead of needles and thread, to make things safer for everyone.

5. Lunch containers

Everyone, no matter how old they get, will always need food containers. While these things might come off in the wash, there are several ways to decorate your lunch container. You can use a non-toxic permanent marker that won’t wash off, for starters. You can wrap it in cloth to make a lunch box sleeve using pieces of cloth and a little fabric glue!

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For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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