Wedding Guides

8 Common Wedding Planning Mistakes

Review this list to see if you and your partner are innocently committing these planning blunders!

1. Copying everything that you see.

From pinned Pinterest pictures to pretty details from your friends’ weddings, you’ve got an entire collection of pegs that you’ve compiled for months. It’s great to have many references, but try to streamline your choices once you’ve done about a month’s worth of research. Remember to stick to the wedding ideas that really relate to you as a couple.

2. Being indecisive.

It’s normal to do research online and ask for advice from your loved ones, but when it comes to your wedding, it’s exactly that—YOURS. Stick to what feels good and what works best given your situation. Once you’ve both agreed on a particular detail, fight the urge to change your mind when you come across something better.

3. Stressing over the smallest things.

You painstakingly handpicked the color motif, font types, illustrations, and special printing executions for your wedding invites. You’ve seen the fourth revised version from your printers, but you’re still not 100% happy with it. Here’s a sad fact: most people don’t care about your invitation. Once they receive it, they will just scan through the date, time, and venue of your wedding then forget about your invite (or worse, throw it away in the trash can!). You’re better off allocating your energy and money to bigger, more noticeable things such as your wedding venue and food!

4. Micromanaging.

If you paid a substantial amount of money to hire a wedding planner, sit down with her and discuss what you want specifically done as a couple. Ask her to give you regular weekly or monthly updates concerning your needs. Don’t micromanage and try to do everything by yourself. Let her do the job you hired her to do.

5. Blowing your budget.

Think about it. Your wedding is just the first day of your lives together as a couple. Instead of overspending on a half-day celebration, wouldn’t you rather use a portion of this money for your future? It would be a shame to end up broke by the time of your wedding.

6. Discussing the wedding 24/7.

Are you guilty of talking about nothing else but your big day? Do you notice your partner looking disinterested when you start mentioning wedding ideas and plans? He or she might be suffering from a case of planning overload. Designate one day or night of the week to talk about wedding updates, and then keep the rest of your time together a wedding-free zone. Don’t try to force your partner to be 100% involved in every planning detail, but instead, assign tasks he or she seems keen on handling.

7. Going on a crash diet.

Looking slim in your suit or dress is a fabulous idea, but it shouldn’t be done at the expense of your health. Be sure to find ways to lose weight in a safe and gradual way. Counting calories, ditching junk food and sugary drinks, eating more greens, and exercising together are just a few effective ways to shed pounds as a team!

8. Turning into a Bridezilla or a Groomzilla.

Do you always want everything to be perfect? Do you get stressed when things don’t work out as planned? Take a step back and breathe slowly. Find ways to relax and focus on enjoying the entire process with your partner (this includes all the mishaps and imperfections!). You should be taking steps that would build to a lifetime of happiness, not frowning about as you walk to the altar.

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For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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