Wedding Guides

4 Games to Play at Your Wedding Reception

Keep guests entertained with fun activities to play at your reception party!

I Spy Wedding List

Come up with an amusing checklist that both adults and young ones can fill up while waiting for the reception party to begin. Customize your I Spy list with people/items your guests should be able to see at your party like:

  • A kissing couple
  • Dancing newlyweds
  • The biggest floral arrangement
  • A colorful tie
  • The oldest party guest
  • A stunning cocktail dress
  • The shiniest accessory
  • A crying parent of the bride or groom
  • The yummiest dish
  • A bubbly drink

A fun alternative could also be Wedding BINGO sheets with different descriptions of people. Your guests will be forced to mingle to find out who is being discussed in each box.

Best Wishes and Words of Wisdom

Leave blank notecards and pens on the tables of your wedding guests. Ask them to fill it up with wishes or sound advice for you and your partner such as how to prolong the honeymoon stage, how to name your first child, and how to make a marriage truly work. Make your wedding planner collect and read through all the answers by mid-celebration, and let the wedding host read the funniest and/or most inspiring ones. Hold on to all the notecards as another unique memento from your wedding day.

Name That Tune

Play this game if your wedding reception has a buffet arrangement. Prepare a set of songs that can be played a few moments before dinner is served. Hand the list of titles to your host, and once a song is played, make a representative from each table run to the host to guess the song title. The person who guesses first and correctly can gather his table companions, take a picture with the newlyweds, and then fall in line at the buffet.

Newlyweds Trivia Game

Just how well do people really know you and your partner? Find out by handing them BRIDE and GROOM signs per table and asking questions that may pertain to you or your spouse. Questions can be about your favorites, your childhood memories, or even your personalities.  Try these ones:

  • Who is addicted to chocolate?
  • Who has the smelliest farts?
  • Who holds a grudge longer?
  • Who likes taking selfies?
  • Who is afraid of heights?
  • Who sleepwalks or sleep talks?


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