Weekday vs. Weekend
When it comes to the day of the week, there are obvious reasons why a weekday is not always the ideal day to celebrate a kid’s party. Mainly because the parents will be working and the children will be going to school. Even if the kids spend a half day at school, you can’t expect them to still be on full energy and you can’t expect their parents to be there for them on that day because of work. Mostly probably, your other guests will also have other commitments to attend to during weekdays besides from work or school. However, if you’re trying to work on a weekday birthday party, you need to know if the people that you’re thinking of inviting are going to be able to come. You need to have an idea of their schedule, especially that some kids still have extracurricular activities after school. Another thing you need to consider is the weekday traffic. Make sure that the suppliers won’t be late. Set up food stations like fries, nachos n’ dips, ice cream, or candy bars for pica pica just in case the party couldn’t start on time.
Setting the birthday celebration on a weekend will work to almost everyone’s advantage, including yours. First, there’s no work and school for the parents and their kids. Second, your guests will have ample time to prepare and the kids will be fresh and ready to face the excitement ahead. Third, there’s still a lot of time to do other stuff or rest after the party. However, with these advantages, it may be a little difficult to book a venue for your kid’s party (if ever you’re looking for one) because weekend is what most people prefer to celebrate other occasions. If you have at least 6 months in preparation, you’d be able to choose your suppliers well. So, look and book early.
Lunch time vs. Merienda time
Most guests would appreciate if the party is set to 11am through after lunchtime since this gives them time to do other things in the afternoon like go to church, go to the mall, or etc. However, you can’t always expect your suppliers and guests to arrive on time. To address this, give a 2 to 3-hour call time for the suppliers and a 1-hour call time for your guests. For the food, lunch meal is a little expensive than only having to prepare food for merienda, so take note of that as well.
The “after lunch” or merienda time is actually the best time for everyone as long as you keep to the schedule. Guests will have enough time to prepare and not rushing; likewise with the suppliers. Most probably, the kids won’t be too sleepy or too hungry at this time. For the food, you get to spend a little less too because you’ll only have to provide the merienda and the cake.