Wedding Guides

How to Get Your Groom Excited to Do Wedding Planning

Most grooms would say that planning weddings is “every girl’s dream”, and while that might be the case for some brides, it doesn’t make it less stressful or exhausting to plan a wedding without the needed support.

Look at planning a wedding as a trial run on how you and your groom work as a team—how you’ll both deal with pressure, how you manage to compromise and make decisions as a couple, and how you can manage to overcome the challenges that might come your way.

So how do you get your groom not just involved in the planning, but make it into something that they would be excited to be involved in?

Manage your expectations.

You know your groom inside out. You know what his interests are, and what he would rather die than to end up doing. If he’s not into fashion, you can’t expect him to be all happy and interested in choosing between different shades of pink for your bridesmaids’ dresses. Knowing where his strengths and interests lie will make a great jumping off point in managing your expectations.

Divvy up the responsibilities—and trust him to follow through.

No adult likes being micromanaged or feeling to be made so incompetent that you’re almost literally breathing on your groom’s neck to make sure that he’s going to get the job done. You’re marrying the guy, so if you don’t trust him or can’t depend on him to do little things like book the entertainment or decide on what booze to serve, then how can you depend on him for the bigger things in life?

Limit the choices to three, at the most.

They say that the human brain can only choose between seven choices at one time, but maybe you can show your groom some mercy and whittle it down to a more manageable number, like three things to choose from. Grooms will almost never ask for more choices or alternatives—they’ll almost always make the swiftest decision, right there and then.

Resist the eye roll and choose to be at peace.

There will be days when both of you are tired to the bone and you might start getting on each other’s nerves, and you might start bickering over the tiniest wedding details. If you think that eye roll is completely harmless and your groom will understand your frustration, think again. Eye rolls mean more than just that—they sometimes convey how frustrated, tired, or resentful you feel about the situation you’re in, or even about your partner. It might make your partner feel sub-par, like he’s not doing enough to support you. If you do need more support, ask for it. If you feel like you’re too tired to do wedding planning and you might just end up lashing out on him, take a few deep breaths and go to your happy place. Skip the wedding planning today, and just enjoy each other’s company.

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For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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