Kid’s Party Guides

4 Unique Birthday Party Ideas

Kiddie parties before usually meant going for your kid’s favorite cartoon character and putting it everywhere, from his cake to the party favors. Nowadays, themes for kiddie parties are as varied and elaborate as parties for adults! Here are a few ideas that you can do for your child’s party:

1. Box of Crayons 

Ask your guests to come dressed in one color, head to toe, preferably in primary colors, so that when everybody comes together, it looks like a gathering of crayons! Run away with the theme by decorating your venue like a big art room, with walls filled with drawing boards to scribble on, colorful food shaped into crayons, and giveaways of—what else? —crayons and other arts and crafts materials.

2. Bubble Trouble

No child can say no to the fun that bubbles bring. While there are bubble shows out there that are already interactive enough to put your child inside an actual bubble, take it a level higher by having an endless stream of bubbles. Arm your guests with their own bubble wands, preferably the big ones that they would need to run around to make bubbles, and watch them have a lot of fun (and exercise!) with it. Make this party outdoors to avoid any sticky spills or cleanups afterwards! For the goodie bags, you can choose to give out bubble solutions, or a create your own bubbles set.

3. Glow in the Dark

Ask your guests to come in either white or in neon-colored clothes, and turn on a blue light for the rest of the party, and watch your guests literally glow in the dark! It’s fascinating for kids to see this. Keeping track of little ones during this kind of party might make it a challenge, so keep the guests to a minimum to avoid any accidents of lost children. Give away additional glow sticks or bracelets to make it more. Give away glow in the dark stars or objects as a treat!

4. Comic Con

Who says you can only dress up in your costume during Halloween? Create your own “Comic con” and have everyone dress up in his or her favorite costume. The kids will love it, and the parents will be okay with it since they’ll find use for those old Halloween costumes again. Invite a caricaturist to draw the kids in their costumes, or to create their own “comic book” cover, right on the spot. Action figures would be a popular choice to give away, but you can also invite some cosplayers to your party and have them pose with your guests as their photo-op.

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For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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