Wedding Guides

4 Things To Do on your First Day as Husband and Wife

You wake up beside your husband now, and you’re excited to start the rest of your lives together. But, you’re also exhausted (and possibly have a hangover!) from your wedding yesterday.

If you like a lot of couples that didn’t go straight to their honeymoon right after their wedding, then you’re not alone. Some couples choose to go on their honeymoon a few weeks or months after their weddings, while some skip it to be able to start their married life with some savings.

So as a married couple, how do you make your first day memorable? Here are a few ideas:

Reserve a car to pick you up at your hotel.

Most couples book a bridal car to bring them to the wedding, but a lot of couples forget that they need to get home the day after. Either recruit a family member to fetch you or book a special car in advance.

Time to move in!

Now’s the perfect time to set up your house, if you’ll be having your own home or carving a space out with family. Remember to take a snapshot of this moment of you and the hubby in your first home together!

Get cooking.

There’s something so romantic about sharing your first homecooked meal together even if you or the hubby have never cooked in your life. And nowadays, you can cook basically anything using the internet!

So rather than eating out for dinner for your first night as husband and wife, why not cook dinner for each other? Choose a dish or two for the both of you to cook for dinner.


Enjoy your time together.

The dust of the busy-ness of planning the wedding must have died down (but be sure you did these 4 Post-Wedding Musts already). Now that you’re starting your marriage life, let that sink in. You have a lifetime with the person you got married with. Appreciate and relish the time you have with one another.

Newlyweds, please take note of these 5 Post-Wedding Mistakes Grooms Make and 5 Post-Wedding Mistakes Brides Make.

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