Getting Over Your Wedding Jitters

nervous brideHaving wedding jitters is nothing but ordinary. The wedding day is probably one of the biggest, nerve-wracking and exciting celebrations a person would ever have. In an event as special like a wedding, it is common for people to feel sudden burst and a mix of emotions. Imagine you are stressed with the preparations and everything and excited yet nervous at the same time.

Making big decisions a few days before the wedding might not be advisable for others. If you are feeling kind of emotional and overwhelmed, it is not good for one to make a choice that concerns your relationship with your partner. A person feels very vulnerable when facing situations like weddings. Unfortunately, there some marriages postponed and even canceled when the height of emotions and whatnot collide with pressure and confusion, just a few days or weeks before the big day.

So if you feel like you need avenues to release those wedding jitters, go ahead! We searched some ways on how you could calm yourself and at the same time, be productive and well as you are preparing for your big day:

Go for spa and massage

Wedding jitters are not just all about the head. You might be feeling it since you are exhausted from doing all the preparations for your wedding. On the other hand, those activities might be another load of the emotional and mental stress you are going on right now. Nevertheless, you should consider going for spa and massage.

After a long day of hustling wedding preps, a great massage does feel like heaven! There are many spa and massage shops in malls and around the area. You do not need to go far and look for expensive ones. But if you have a definite place to go to, much better. You already know their style in massaging. Who knows, they might give you discounts, too!

If you do not like to have a massage by other people, invite your loved one to do it for you. Or maybe ask your friends or family member that you are comfortable with. There are some that do not want to be touched by others (even if they are professionally trained).

Getting a good massage a day or two before your wedding will be a fantastic way to relax (and your partner, too!). You get to release all the tensions in your muscles. As your body gets more rest and pampered, you will naturally glow. You will be more relaxed and at peace on your wedding day.

Keep your wedding week free from to-dos

As mentioned, those jitters are not just affected by the physical activities you are doing. What you think and feel has a lot to do with those wedding jitters. Thus, keeping your mind relaxed plays a significant role.

On the week of your matrimony, it will be highly beneficial if you keep it open. It means you have nothing much to do or big things to run or prepare. Most of the times, people got more tensioned and stressed as the day of big celebrations or events come near, and the wedding is no exception. You will get more overwhelmed if you are still doing a lot of tasks in the week of your wedding.

Preparing ahead of time is the key here. You cannot sit back and relax if you know that there are still tons of things to settle. This is where the pressure comes in high. That is why you and your partner should get things done before the wedding week. Finalizing and ironing the details may happen in that week but you get to make sure that there will be no more drastic changes. It will leave you stressed and panicky, and we do not want that!

If you still can’t keep yourself calm with all those things in your head, keep a check or to-do list. At least, you can say to yourself that there is nothing to worry about as everything is on track.

nervous groom
A nervous groom probably having some wedding jitters

Get enough sleep

Adults are recommended to get six to eight hours of sleep to let the body rest. It is for our body to relax, regenerate muscles, get enough nutrients and energy for the next day. It is hard to function when you do not have the right amount of sleep. So what more if you are going through something significant and nerve-wracking?

You become easily disoriented and distracted when you did not get enough rest. Sometimes, people get more irritated and stressed. We know how much important sleeping and resting is. If we, adults, can just go back in time and maximize our free time to sleep when we were kids!

Funnily yet, unfortunately, no matter how much we want to sleep, it is hard when you are excited, stressed or nervous. Sleeping pills or medications may help, but you should be very careful in taking such. You need proper medication or advice from a licensed doctor before taking any drugs. For you to be able to sleep comfortably, relax first. There are many applications readily available to help you clear your mind before you sleep. Maybe listening to soothing and relaxing songs would also help.

Go out with family and friends.

What can be more comforting if you hear the encouraging words and feel the support of your family and friends?

Going out with family and friends have both pros and cons. True enough, you may feel uplifted and more at ease when you mingle with your family and friends. Hanging out with them makes you happy. On the other hand, we cannot control whatever they will say. You might be expecting some words of encouragement, but they will tell otherwise. Instead of making you calmer, they can make your more panicky.

Nevertheless, their mere presence can soothe you in some ways. We suggest that you do something fun with your family and friends aside from dining or meeting in coffee shops. Why not stroll around malls, go skating, hike, swim and visit beautiful places. Do fun activities with them and divert all your attention away from the wedding. It is a time to think nothing about the marriage.

Do your hobbies

Needless to say, you are doing different stuff to divert your energy and attention. One efficient way is by doing your good old hobbies. You might have been busy running various errands for the wedding, and you forget some time for yourself. Well, surprise! Now is the right time to do those things again.

Do you like watching movies or TV series? Go on and snug yourself into your most comfortable sheets and pillows. Eat popcorn or ice cream. Invite your best friends or just do it alone or with your dogs. Do you miss cooking and baking? Do it now! You may want to give some of your workmates, relatives or start selling those to get some extra money.

Visit your wedding venue

Before you irk and be confused on how visiting your wedding venue helps you get over your wedding jitters, think again! We added this on the list for a simple reason: familiarize yourself with your site and event itself.

Feeling the vibes and making yourself comfortable by visiting your wedding venue will not happen in a snap of your fingers. There are some people that believes that getting more used to what is going to happen will help you get over nervousness or stress. On the other hand, there are others who get more nervous. We all work at our own pace and strategies.

But just to support this point, visiting your wedding venue will, hopefully, help you realize that there is nothing to worry about. Your big day will take place soon, and it’s going to be beautiful. All of your hard work will be paid off. Instead of getting anxious, you will just feel the excitement and joy. Imagine yourself and your partner, along with your family and friends gracing your beautiful venue. Feel the love and warmth the place gives you.

Engage yourself in sports or other physical activities

Most people release tension when they engage themselves in sports and physical activities. Physically, you were able to use your energy and divert your attention. Ironically, getting yourself tired relaxes your mind probably because you were able to use your energy well and release healthy chemicals in your body.

Morning or night jogs will help you reflect and focus on yourself. If you love or at least have interest in going to the gym, it will be good if you go back to working out. Not only you can put your energy and attention to good use, and you will be fit and healthy just in time for your wedding!

If you like it better with the company of other people, try sports played by two or teams like badminton, volleyball, basketball, and tennis. There more that you can do with your family and friends, as already stated above.


It is easy to say relax and have fun. Hopefully, the seven things listed above gave you an idea on how you could calm down and enjoy the days before your wedding day. There are still a lot of things that could help you. It might also be helpful remembering the things you had done when you faced nerve-wrecking situations before.

About Hizon's Catering

For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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