Asking the Right Questions for a Perfect Theme for Your Kid’s Party

Successful and fun is what we always want for every kid’s party. When those two are the goals, it’s easy to lose track and get overwhelmed in the planning process. The party, to be fun and successful, has to have a direction—which is the theme.

The theme of the party is the overall visual design and ambiance of the party and its setting. A themed party will make your event more organized and more special for the guests. For the planners and the host, working around with a theme gives the planning and the party a direction. In planning, there may be moments when you want to include anything and everything fun. The theme limits you from going over the top and sets the direction to what color scheme to use, what decorations to put, what games and activities to include, and what costumes or attires that you’d want your guests to arrive in.

Choosing a perfect theme for your kid’s party will set the road to the direction that you want to go. It will dictate your entire program. Choosing the perfect theme means more fun for the kids, especially for the celebrant. But how will you know if you’ve chosen the perfect one? Asking the right questions will tell you how.

Question #1: Does my son/daughter like this theme?

The party is about the celebrant. Her choices for the theme should be the top priority. Know what makes him or her happy. If in case that the celebrant is younger than 3 years old and cannot verbalize his/her likes and choices yet, the parent may decide for him/her. But still, keep in mind the things that make your baby smile. For example, take note of their favorite things. Does your child always pick up airplane toys and play them? Then you may work on a theme that’s related with traveling/journey. Is your baby girl attracted to flowers? Then a garden theme with lots of flowers would be the most ideal to have for the party.
Nowadays, kids often choose their favorite cartoon characters or shows as the theme of the party—and there’s nothing wrong with that because it’s the theme to which they and their friends can mostly relate to. It is up to you to extend your creativity and come up with materials and activities that are enjoyable, educational, and related with the theme.

Question #2: Will the kids be able to relate to this theme?

After coming up with initial ideas for the party theme, ask yourself this question. Although your kid’s choice is still the top priority, it’s also important to note if the kind of theme you will choose is relatable to the kids. Kids usually react enthusiastically to something that they like and passionate about. If your theme is relatable, the best chances are you’ll get all of the kids actively engaging, participating, and enjoying the entire party.

Question #3: Is it timely?

Being timely means going with the current trend. For the parents, it’s the current trend in their kid’s world. If your theme has the less chance of being relatable with the kids, then being timely is important. Your theme has to be something that they are knowledgeable about at the least. Has the superheroes taken the limelight lately? Which superhero is your kid’s favourite? Are the kids familiar with Superman or Batman? How about Wonder Woman or Supergirl?

Question #4: Will the kids be comfortable with this theme?

When you’re the one planning for the party, it’s easy to get carried away and make it about what you want instead of your kid’s. For example, the idea of setting up a debut-like party for your 7-year-old girl, so she and her guests can dress up like prince and princesses, is grand and elegant. But kids in long gowns and suits for hours are definitely a kill joy. They cannot run, play around, and get dirty. Always keep in mind that a kid’s party is not a party if the kids can’t have fun. As a solution for the previous example, you may still have that formal type of party. But after the formal ceremonies are done, you may ask the kids to change into more comfortable clothes so they can enjoy the games and activities.

Question 5#: Are there enough available resources?

Working with a themed party means keeping in mind that every detail of the party fits with the chosen theme, including the materials and props. Asking this question puts into perspective the availability of the resources that you have in mind for the decorations, costumes, giveaways, and etc. Do we have it here in the Philippines or do you need to order abroad? Can your baker customize the cake according to the theme? Do you have enough visuals, music, and other materials to create and set the mood of the party according to the theme?

We know that the ultimate goal here is a kid’s party that is fun and successful—for the sake of your guests and the celebrant. But going all the way won’t always lead to that. If you find yourself lost, confused, or overwhelmed along the process of choosing the perfect theme, just go back to these questions and hopefully it will set your track in the right direction.

Co-author: Ms. Erin Valera—a professional events host and coordinator for birthdays, weddings, corporate events, product launch, mall shows, and kiddie events. CONTACT: 0943.464.1068; 0906.412.6372;

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